![]() |
Ports | Used by |
21 | FTP updates (V1.11 and later) |
25 | Error reports and updates by e-mail (SMTP) |
53 | DNS service (Dynamic Update, RFC2136) |
80 | HTTP updates (most DDNS services) and ICQ notification |
88* | Kerberos Ticket-Granting service (GSS-TSIG) |
123 | Time service (GSS-TSIG) |
135* | RPC port mapper service (GSS-TSIG) |
389 | LDAP service (LDAP updates, GSS-TSIG) |
443 | HTTPS updates (secure DDNS services) |
445* | Server Message Block (GSS-TSIG) |
5000 | DDNS.nu service |
7070 | dnsQ and ODS services |
7071 | SDNS service |
8245 | No-IP service and automatic IP detection |
9120 | miniDNS service |
10980 | Staticky service |
* It is highly recommended not to open those ports on a server connected to the Internet since they make the server and the whole network very vulnerable to attacks.
23. How do I unsubscribe from the DynSite mailing-list?
Send a blank e-mail to DynSite-remove@groups.msn.com from the account you used to join the list. You can also sign off from the DynSite Group Web site.
24. I set up DynSite to either dial on startup or redial after the connection was dropped but DynSite never dials. What's wrong?
This probably happens for the same reason as in
Q12. Please make sure that the Never
dial a connection
option is not selected in Internet Explorer, Tools/Internet
Options.../Connections tab.
Note: this should not be needed in V1.11.678.1 and later.
25. I am unable to use DynSite, I get this error as soon as it starts: "DynSite.exe - Entry Point Not Found. The procedure entry point SHGetSettings could not be located in the dynamic link library SHELL32.dll." What's wrong?
This message means that the version of the shell32.dll
installed on your system is outdated. Either you don't have Internet
Explorer 4.0 or later installed on your system or it was installed without
the integrated shell.
If you still encounter this message please upgrade your copy of DynSite, I
created a workaround for this very problem in the build 1.10.310.5.
Note: Internet Explorer 5.01 is a requirement for DynSite V1.11 and later.
26. I am using DynSite V1.10.343.5 and I downloaded the latest plug-in set but DynSite keeps telling me that a new plug-in set is available, what's wrong?
Please upgrade your DynSite to the latest version. I changed the format of the plug-in version file in DynSite V1.10.373.3 which is no more backward compatible.
27. I'd like to force DynSite to update my host name because the last update failed, but when I right-click my host name in the status box the Force update option is grayed out. How do I update now?
If the Force update option is grayed out, it means that the last update encountered an error that required the client to stop updating to avoid your account to be blocked for abuse. Nevertheless, if you fixed the problem and you want to make a new attempt, right-click your host name in the status box, select Clear and answer yes to the warning message. Now Force update is enabled and you can select it from the menu.
28. Is DynSite able to update my own domain name? I don't want to use a sub-domain of a dynamic DNS service.
Yes. You just have to sign up with one of the services that can manage domain names instead of just hosts or sub-domains. Please have a look at the list of supported dynamic DNS services and choose one which has a X in the column marked with an asterisk (*).
29. What are those Stealth and Sleep modes?
The Stealth mode hides the DynSite user interface (the status box, the icon and the messages) which makes it virtually invisible from the desktop. DynSite will still appear in the process list and it will keep running in the background. To turn the Stealth mode off, select DynSite from the Start / Programs menu.
The Sleep mode temporarily stops online/offline and all other detections. This mode will put DynSite on hold somewhat like the Pause button on a VCR.
30. What does the Update option in the menu do? When I select it nothing happens.
This command makes DynSite to attempt a new update of all
the entries in the list which IP addresses have changed since the last
update and all the entries that were not successfully updated during the
last update
excluding the entries for which the update was blocked.
Each blocked entry must be cleared before an update can work again. To clear
a blocked entry, right-click it in the status box and select Clear
in the popup menu.
If you want to force an update, right-click the entry to update in
the status box and select Force Update.
31. Are there any precautions to take before uninstalling?
Yes or no, it depends of your situation. If you want to
completely remove DynSite from your computer then you can simply uninstall
it with the
Add/Remove Programs applet of the Control Panel without
If you want to uninstall DynSite and then reinstall it, please
export and back up your settings first, during the uninstallation
process, DynSite will wipe all the settings from the registry and if you did
not back them up they will definitely be lost. I recommend you to export and
back up your settings as soon as you have your configuration working. To
export your settings, right-click the DynSite icon, select
Miscellaneous > Settings >
Export..., give a file name and click Save. Once your
settings are safe you can uninstall the program normally.
32. Does DynSite support the DynDns.org's host and Custom DNS services?
Yes, just make sure that you are using the latest plug-in set (select Check for Upgrade from the menu.) For the DynDns.org host service search for Dynamic DNS Network Services, for DynDns.org Custom DNS search for MyDynDNS Custom DNS.
33. Does DynSite support updates for third-level domains (e.g. mydomain.co.uk, mydomain.com.au, ...) with easyDNS?
Yes, go to Setup. Click the Services tab. Expand the easyDNS branch, select your domain entry under your account entry and click Properties. In Service-Specific Parameters, click the Top-Level Domain parameter and enter the top-level domain of your own domain, e.g. co.uk if your domain is mydomain.co.uk or com.au if your domain is mydomain.com.au. This apply to all the other top-level domains in the form of xxx.yyy as well.
34. I am using a router, how can DynSite detect my external IP address? IPCONFIG won't do it because it gives the IP on the internal network.
IPCONFIG only sees the local IP addresses (e.g. your network cards) while your external IP address is assigned to your router (which is invisible to IPCONFIG). DynSite supports HTML, SNMP and UPnP routers and can pull the external IP address from the device. If you have a compatible router which supports either of these methods, I highly recommend you to use it for the detection, see FAQ #64 for more information.
35. I configured DynSite to run in Stealth mode but now I want to reconfigure it, how do I do? I cannot access the menu since the icon is hidden.
You turn off the Stealth mode by selecting DynSite from the Start > All Programs menu, this will bring back the icon in the system tray.
If that does not work for you, click Start > Run... > type regedit > click OK > expand the (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)\Software\NoelD\DynSite\Options branch and set the StealthMode value to 0 then log off or restart your system.
To prevent the stealth mode from reactivating on the next reboot, go to Setup > Options tab and clear Run in stealth mode by default.
36. Can you add support for Dns2Go?
Sorry no or at least not at this time. Some times ago I was in touch with someone at Deerfield and he told me that Deerfield does not wish to make its protocol public for now. On the other hand, there is no guaranty that the protocol would be compatible with DynSite.
37. How do I update my own domain with Hammer Node?
To update your own domain at hn.org you have to both create a Vanity Dynamic DNS and a Virtual Domain Mappings. You then configure your Virtual Domain Mappings to use your Vanity DDNS (see http://hn.org/www/overview/virtual/) For example if your domain is mydomain.com and your vanity DDNS is myhost.hn.org, you create (or replace) an "A" record like this:
Rec FQDN: mydomain.com Rec Type: A Rec Value: myhost.hn.org DynDNS: 1 MX Pref: <up to you>
You only have to configure your Vanity DDNS in DynSite.
38. DynSite used to start with an icon in the system tray, and the status window only appeared while it was updating. Now DynSite starts with the status window open. How can I get it to revert to the previous behavior?
Close the status window, exit DynSite and restart it. This should do the trick.
39. Can you add support for mydomain.com?
This seems not to be a dynamic DNS service and I cannot find any specifications for it.
40. I'd like to create a plug-in for my own Dynamic DNS service where can I get information and specifications?
You can find the specifications in the help file, select the Help > Contents option from the menu and select Support and Registration > Plug-in Specifications. You should have all the details you need. You can also take a look at the current plug-ins for examples.
41. I created a plug-in to support my own DDNS service, can you add it to your current plug-in set?
Yes sure, just send me the file and I will add it to the plug-in set after successfully running some tests with it.
42. My system just crashed and I lost my registration code. Could you help please?
Yes, just send me an e-mail with the name and the e-mail address you used to register. If I can find you in my database I will send you a new registration code. Please print this new message and save it in a safe place for later reference.
43. How do I change the offline address to a valid IP address?
Go to Setup/Services tab, expand the branch of the service and the account that you use, select the screen name of your host and click Properties... In Host or Domain Properties, fill in the Offline IP address field with the address that you want to use.
44. How often does DynSite check the router to see if the IP number changed?
In version 1.10, the lowest interval is limited to 5
minutes. See the Setup > Script tab.
In version 1.11, you can enter any interval that you want as long as the
address of the script is local. If the address is not local, the interval
will be limited to 10 minutes to avoid flooding the servers which host the
detection scripts. The default value is 2 hours. If you want to lower that
interval, go to Setup
> Connections tab > click the network card > click Configure...
> click the Options tab.
45. I got a license code when I registered at MyCommerce and I just got a registration code by e-mail, which one should I use?
First off, thanks again for registering! Regarding the codes, you can use either, both will work provided that you use the matching user name (registration codes are generated for a part from the user name.) I send an e-mail message with a code automatically generated in response to all the orders I receive either from MyCommerce or not. Since only MyCommerce generates a code I have to put a code for users who did not order through this service. Please don't forget to save this message in a safe place in case your system or your hard drive crash.
46. I can't get the DynSite Status window to close automatically after updating. I do have the option selected to close but the window just seems to stay on the screen. What can I do?
First verify that the pushpin (in the lower right corner of
the status box) is not pushed. That would prevent the status box from
If the pushpin is not pushed then minimize the status box (with the button
in the caption) after the updates are complete, close DynSite and restart
47. I want to host my personal web site on my own computer. What do I need and what do I have to do?
You need to complete the following steps:
Visit DSL/Cable Webserver for detailed instructions and screenshots about how to install a web and/or mail server.
When you are ready, change the default name servers of your domain to the ones of the DDNS service that you use. If you are unsure what those name servers are, ask your DDNS service or see its FAQ, since it is a common question.
Now configure DynSite, see Help > Contents > Using DynSite > Getting Started for more information about it. When you configure the host properties, select <your own domain> in the Domain name drop-down list of the Host or Domain Properties in Setup > Services tab, and enter your domain name in the Domain name in-place text box.
Once DynSite is configured verify that the updates are successful then right-click your domain name in the status box and click Details. Wait for DynSite to say this host resolves to the current IP address which confirms that the update was successful and applied.
Now type the URL of your web site in a browser (possibly from a remote computer) and your web site must show. If it works then you are done.
Note: if you have a router, you may not be able to complete this test locally with your own domain name but if your router allows some kind of loopback.
Additional resources:
HOW TO: Use Host Header Names to Host Multiple Sites from One IP Address in IIS 5.0
48. How do I delete an account or a host?
Go to Setup > Services tab. Expand the branch of the dynamic DNS service from which you want to delete an account, select the account to remove and click the Remove button. To remove a host, it's the same but you also expand the branch of the account from which you want to delete a host.
49. My ISP now blocks traffic on port 80 so I have to run my Web server on another port, 81 for example, but I would not want to ask my visitors to append the port number at the end of the URL. How do I do this? My dynamic DNS service is ZoneEdit.
For this service you can use a redirection. If your domain name is say mydomain.com configure www.mydomain.com to redirect to www2.mydomain.com:81 or any other port of your choice.
Now configure DynSite to update www2.mydomain.com. On the Host or Domain Properties page, enter mydomain.com in the Domain name box and enter www2 in Host name (this is in the Service-Specific parameters section in version 1.10.) This will make DynSite to update www2.mydomain.com with your current IP address.
When a visitor will type http://www.mydomain.com in his or her browser, it will actually be redirected to http://www2.mydomain.com:81 which in turn connect to your Web server on the appropriate port without having him or her to care about the port number.
If you need help regarding redirection please contact the dynamic DNS service.
easyDNS users don't need to use redirection since this service supports port updates natively. DynSite is able to update both IP addresses and ports but for this feature you need to use version 1.11. Once V1.11 is installed go to the Host or Domain Properties page and change the default port.
50. How do I configure DynSite to update both my domain and a sub-domain at ZoneEdit?
You will have to create 2 separate host entries under your ZoneEdit account in DynSite, one for your domain name and one for each additional sub-domain. The first entry will only have your domain name (e.g. mydomain.com) as the Domain name in Host or Domain Properties, the second one will also have mydomain.com as the Domain name but additionally you will enter the sub-domain name (e.g. www) in Host name in the Service-specific parameters section.
Note: if all your host names have the same IP address as your 2nd-level domain, it will be much more efficient to configure your host names at ZoneEdit as CNAME pointing to your 2nd-level domain (like the example below) and only update your domain from DynSite.
mydomain.com IN A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx www IN CNAME mydomain.com
51. What is the availability value, what does it mean?
In V1.10, it is simply the ratio between the number of successful updates and the number of attempts. For example, if DynSite makes 3 attempts before the host name is successfully updated, availability will be 33% (1/3) because there will be 1 success out of 3 attempts.
In V1.11, it is a bit different because 1 attempt includes 1 or more retries (configured in Setup > Update > Try to update again in case of failure > Update attempts.) If DynSite had to retry 3 times before successfully updating a host name, the availability will still be 100% because what matters is that the update is successful at the time of the last try.
52. I would like to use my dynamic DNS to take control of my home computer from work, how can I do that?
You may consider VNC by AT&T Labs Research. On your home computer you install the server-side components. From the client side you use the dynamic DNS of your computer at home to connect and that's it.
If you have Windows XP Professional at home, you may also consider the Remote Desktop Connection. I did not try it over the Internet but it must work the same way.
53. DynSite updates my host name with a private IP address, what's wrong?
54. Is it possible to use a template for FTP updates? What's the syntax of the tags to include?
This feature is available as of build 535.5 of DynSite 1.11. In the Setup, you configure the template(s) in the properties of the file to upload: select the Services tab, expand the branches of FTP Servers and the account and select the entry for the file (under the branch of the account) and click Properties..., this brings a FTP File Properties page from which you can configure the templates. In the Account Assistant, you configure the template by clicking the Advanced... button in the Configure a new file page, this brings the same FTP File Properties page.
In the template file (either a text or HTML file) you can insert tags in the form <DynSite:x />. Open or download the sample template for more details and the syntax of the tags.
55. I configured DynSite to close after updates are complete but now I am unable to access the Setup what can I do?
From the Programs menu or from Windows Explorer, right-click DynSite, hold down the Shift key, and select Open. Keep the Shift key down while the program starts. Note: this is only available in DynSite 1.11 build 537.1 and later.
If that does not work for you or if you are using an older version, click Start > Run... > type regedit > click OK > expand the (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)\Software\NoelD\DynSite\Options branch and set the CloseAfterUpdate value to 0 then log off or restart your system.
56. My router does not have a HTML status page or I prefer not to use it for security reasons. Is there an alternate method for DynSite to detect the IP address from the router and not use a remote detection script?
The answer is yes if your router supports either of the following technologies:
Click either of the links to download test applications if you are unsure.
57. I ran snmptest but it returns "SNMP error=108". What does that mean?
108 is the error code for time out. It probably means that your router does not support SNMP or it failed to return a SNMP response in the expected time frame.
58. I just registered my copy of DynSite, what are the conditions for a refund?
You are entitled for a refund only in case of duplicate orders (one of the orders won't be refunded) or if you paid by PayPal and you did not receive your registration code yet. MyCommerce gives the registration code immediately so this does not permit a refund. DynSite is a shareware, you can try it for free for 30 days, try the product thoroughly during this time frame. Some people tried to use this stratagem to obtain a free registration code, this won't be allowed. Thanks for your understanding.
59. I registered my copy of DynSite, am I entitled for free updates to future versions?
Yes, as a faithful and fair user of DynSite, you will be able to use your registration code with all upcoming "standard" versions. If ever one day I create a "premium" version there may be an additional cost for the update but for now I have no plan for such a version.
60. I configured DynSite V1.11 to get the external IP address from the status page of my router but it gets the IP address of the DNS server, what can I do?
I recommend you to place the address(es) (or address range) of the DNS servers in the exclusion list. Go to Setup... > Connections tab > click your network card > click Configure... > click the Options tab > tick Excludes the following IP addresses and enter the address(es) to exclude. See the Help file for advance syntaxes (Help > Contents... > Using DynSite > Using the Setup > Connections > Configuring a permanent connection > Detection options section.)
61. When I select the Miscellaneous > Language menu, there is only English which is grayed out. How do I install the resource file for another language?
The latest installer now includes all the currently supported languages. Download this version at http://noeld.com/dynsite.asp and run it. At the Setup Type prompt, choose either Typical or Custom. When the setup completes all the supported languages will be available from the menu and you'll be able to select any of them .
62. The updates of my host names always fail. DynSite reports one of those error messages: "Update failed" or "Invalid credentials" or "Unknown user" or "Account not activated" or "Invalid host name". I have no idea what's wrong. What can I do?
There may be different causes. Here are some important points that you can verify:
63. I am using DynSite to update 3 of my hosts but some updates randomly fail or are not applied, what's wrong?
If the 3 hosts must point to the same IP address then I'd recommend you to use CNAMEs instead. You use DynSite to update one primary A record and you create CNAME for all the other host names. This will reduce traffic to the server.
If for any reasons you still need to configure 3 or more host names for the same service then I recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of DynSite. A problem with session ID was fixed in build 1.11.715.3.
64. I'd like to configure DynSite so that it pulls my external IP address from my router (instead of a remote website), how do I do that?
I wrote step-by-step instructions about this in the electronic help file. Click Help > Contents... > Using DynSite > Using the Setup > Connections > Using a router.
To summarize, right-click the DynSite icon, click Setup... > Connections tab > select your network card > click Configure... > click Add...
In the Detection Gateway Assistant, click Next > in the The external IP address is assigned to drop-down list, select the detection method you want to use > click Next and follow the few next steps.
When the assistant is complete, click the Test button in the Local Area Connection Properties to verify the detection.
If you chose Universal Plug-and-Play as the detection method please see FAQ #101.
65. When an update fails while I am using Microsoft Excel or some other programs, the program I am using suddenly scrolls the page and I cannot control it. What's wrong?
You have configured DynSite to blink the Scroll Lock indicator on errors, I recommend you to deactivate this option in Setup > Notifications tab. This feature was designed for systems which run with the display turned off so that there is a visual notification when an error occurs.
66. I'd like to take a look at the log file but all options in the Miscellaneous > Log File menu are grayed out. How do I access the log file?
If this menu is grayed out that means that you did not configure the log file yet. Go to Setup > Events / Log tab, tick Log every updates to this file and enter the path to a log file. Click OK. Now the all the log options should be available.
67. Sometimes when DynSite is running it suddenly hangs and consumes 100% of the CPU resources. What can I do?
This may be due to a bug in some versions of Internet Explorer. Please try this:
68. Can DynSite notify me by e-mail when the IP address changes?
Yes. You just have to configure a SMTP server account and your e-mail address in Setup > Services tab (select the SMTP Servers branch and click Add...) or using the Account Assistant.
Here is how to do it using the Account Assistant:
69. How do I configure DynSite to change my IP address every 5 minutes?
You just cannot! This is not the goal of DynSite, it is designed to detect IP address changes and to keep one or many host names up-to-date. Your IP address can only change when the lease time assigned by your ISP on the DHCP server expires or when you disconnect and reconnect.
70. I registered so why did you shut me off?
First of all, thank you for registering and for becoming a faithful user. Now please be assured that I don't shut anyone off and there is no such feature in DynSite. You are probably experiencing a problem with the dynamic DNS service that you are using or a network problem. Take a look at the status window and the details for your host name(s). If DynSite does not detect your connection, please check your settings in Setup > Connections.
71. I am using easyDNS and I would like my domain name to point to not only my IP address but also a specific port number and a path (e.g., how do I do?
Let's say you want to update yourdomain.com and www.yourdomain.com. At easyDNS, configure two host names like this:
Host | IP or URL |
www2.yourdomain.com | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:81 (updated by DynSite) |
yourdomain.com | www2.yourdomain.com/a_path_here |
You can also create an alias for www.yourdomain.com which points to yourdomain.com. In DynSite you configure a host with www2 as Host name, yourdomain.com as Domain name and 81 as Default Port.
72. Is it possible for DynSite to update my own Windows 2000 DNS server instead of using a 3rd-party DDNS service?
Yes, DynSite can update any RFC2136-compatible DNS server, including the Windows 2000 DNS server.
On the server side, you need to create a zone and one A record that DynSite will update. You need to configure this record to accept dynamic updates.
In DynSite, you can configure that record from the Account Assistant:
73. DynSite does not detect when my external IP address changes. How often does it poll for changes?
If you configured a permanent connection in Setup > Connections tab, DynSite polls for IP changes every 10 minutes by default. This default value avoids the flooding of the servers used for auto-detection. For the same reason, 10 minutes are the lower interval if you use auto-detection. If you use your router for IP address detection, you can set an interval as low as you wish. To change the polling interval, go to Setup > Connections tab > click your network card > click Configure... > click the Options tab.
Important notice to Windows 2000 users: either install the Service Pack 3 (or later) or install the fix described in Knowledge Base article Q322913. If this patch is not installed, this may prevent DynSite from correctly monitoring your connection.
74. How do I configure DynSite to update a custom domain with the d-ip.de DDNS service?
You can use the Account Assistant as you would do with any other DDNS service, select Dynamic DNS Services as Service Type, select d-ip.de as Service, then configure a new account. Use the key provided by d-ip.de [for your domain updates] as the Login and leave Password empty (i.e. clear This service requires a password.) Next for your domain, simply enter a Screen name, select <your own domain> in the Domain name drop-down list and type your custom domain name.
75. How do I use DrWatson so that I can send a crash report?
Run drwtsn32.exe to configure or to identify where the log and the crash dump files are created: click Start > Run... > and type drwtsn32 <enter>. Make sure that the Crash Dump Type is set to mini. Clear Dump Symbol Table and Append to Existing Log file. Tick Dump All Thread Contexts.
Next run the monitoring module of Dr. Watson: Start > Run... > and type drwatson <enter>. Once a crash happens, Dr. Watson generates a minidump file and a report in the log file, including the address of the crash and the stack dump. This information may be useful to me so that I can track down the problem (please note that it is not always a problem in DynSite even though the crash happens in DynSite, sometimes it is simply due to an unstable system and a clean installation clears the problem.)
Note: in Windows XP and later, DrWatson is always running so you don't have to launch it. You can find the log file and the minidump in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson folder.
Once you have the Dr. Watson's log file and minidump, zip them and send them to me with a description of what you were doing. Please only attach the minidump file if you are using the latest public version.
76. I have a host name at FreeDNS but the updates always fail, I get a "Missing S/key and DataID" error message. What does that mean?
The S/Key parameter is a service-specific parameter. To edit it, go to Setup > Services tab > select your host name under your account in the FreeDNS branch > click Properties > in Host or Domain Properties, click the Parameters tab > edit the Host ID parameter. You can find this identifier when you log on to your account at the FreeDNS website.
77. DynSite works fine for me so I registered it before the trial period expired. Now how do I enter the serial number that I received?
Right-click the DynSite icon in the system tray, click Help > Register > Register Now in the pop-up menu. In the Registration Notice... dialog box, enter your user name and serial number exactly as written in the message you received and click Register.
Note: serial number, registration code and license code are terms that mean the same thing. That code is always in the form XXXXX-XXX e.g. 12345-678.
78. I configured DynSite to send error reports by e-mail in Setup > Notifications tab but I never received any those messages despite some update errors occurred. What's wrong?
You may not have configured a default SMTP account under the SMTP Servers branch in the Setup > Services tab. You can add one by selecting the SMTP Servers branch and clicking Add...
79. DynSite does not update my host name, I get this error message: "The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect". What does this mean and how do I workaround this?
This error comes from the digital ID used by the dynamic DNS service for secure HTTP (SSL) updates. This may happen because the digital ID is invalid or because an authority is missing from the Trusted Root Certification Authorities in your system or simply because the trusted certificate of the authority has expired. Usually you can download the required information from the authority's web site. On another hand, I recommend to install either the latest service pack of your system and/or the very latest version of Internet Explorer. This usually fixes the problem and avoids to manually update the certificate(s).
You can check the expiration dates of the certificates in Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options... menu > Content tab > Certificates... > Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab > Expiration Date column.
If the error is due to the fact that the certificate of the authority is not trusted yet, simply visit the website of your dynamic DNS service and try to log on to your account. Before the operation completes, a dialog box will pop up asking you whether you want to trust this authority or website or not. Click Yes.
If you are using the DynDNS.org service, the root certificate is available here.
80. DynSite reports successful updates of my domain name but when I try to access my website through my domain name, I reach the configuration page of my router. What's the problem?
You most probably have to enable port forwarding in your router so that the incoming HTTP traffic reaches your PC. You may possibly have to change the port on which your router listens if this option is available.
81. How do I configure DynSite to update my own domain at No-IP.com?
You can configure your zone at No-IP.com like this:
yourdomain.com IN A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx www.yourdomain.com IN CNAME yourdomain.com
To update the root record, configure your account in DynSite then add a host name like this:
Host name: - (hyphen)
Domain name: yourdomain.com
The hyphen is a special character, specific to No-IP.com, this is required for the root record otherwise if you leave the host name empty you'd get a host not found error.
82. When I attempt to update my domain name, I get "The date in the certificate is invalid or has expired" or "The date of this certificate is not valid" or "The host name in the certificate is invalid or does not match" in the status window, what's wrong?
There is a problem with the digital ID (DID) used to securely (SSL) connect to the server. The most common reason is that the DID on the server has expired and was not renewed in time by the dynamic DNS service. This error can also sometimes be local (e.g. the certificate of a trust authority may have expired). In that case it is recommended that you upgrade your Internet Explorer to the latest version and/or apply the latest Service Pack for your system. The latter message is due to a possible configuration issue on the server. The DID was not certified for the host from which the update script is running. To temporarily work around this problem, tick Ignore invalid certificate errors in Setup > Update tab.
83. I am writing specifications for my own dynamic DNS service OR I would like you to create a plug-in for my own dynamic DNS service. What information do you need?
Here is the list of information that I need to make the plug-in:
The specifications of the DynSite plug-in files are available here.
84. I cannot get the e-mail notification to work, I always get "502 Command is locally disabled". How can I fix this error?
This error means that you enabled authentication when you configured your SMTP account in DynSite but the SMTP server does not support this feature. Most ISP use the IP address to identify users of their own network. To correct this, go to Setup > Services tab, expand the SMTP Servers branch, select your account, click Properties... and clear This server requires authentication.
85. I am trying to configure DynSite to use my router for IP address detection. Authentication is required to access the status page but my router only takes a password while DynSite requires a user name as well. How do I do?
The fix is to enter a blank or %20 (the hexa code for a blank) as the login/user name.
86. I registered through PayPal, where and when will I get my registration code?
Contrary to MyCommerce where you may obtain your registration code immediately, manual processing is required for PayPal orders. You should receive your code by e-mail in the next two business days. If you don't get your code after that delay, there most probably is a problem with the e-mail address that you used to register. I regularly face e-mail addresses which bounce. In that case I recommend you to send a message to me from an alternate e-mail account.
87. What command-line parameters does DynSite support?
The following parameters may be used separately or together to launch DynSite from the command prompt:
Parameter | Meaning |
/skip | Ignores the Run in stealth mode by default and Close DynSite once updates are complete options. This may be required to be able to access the setup when the DynSite icon is not visible from the taskbar |
/close | Closes a running instance of DynSite |
/disconnect | Disconnect all the connections of the running instance of DynSite |
/debug | Write full SMTP conversation to log file for debugging purpose (1.11.725.1 and later) |
dynsite.exe /disconnect /close
88. What does the pushpin in the lower-right corner of the status window do?
When the pushpin is pushed, it prevents the status window from automatically closing after updates are complete. This partially overrides the behavior of the Show status box during updates option in Setup > Options tab.
89. I have two network adapters in Network Connections under the "LAN or High-Speed Internet" group and their numbering is the opposite of the one in the DynSite Setup > Connections tab, why?
This is by design, these figures do not have the same meaning. Windows assigns a name to each adapter and appends an optional number when there are multiple adapters. On the other hand, DynSite assigns a name to each interface and/or address, there may be multiple addresses per adapters. The numbers are assigned in the order the system enumerates the addresses.
90. The update of my host name fails, I get a "Host Not Found" or "Unauthorized Host" message in the status window. What's wrong and how do I correct this?
There may be many reasons, either:
91. All the languages in the Miscellaneous > Language menu are grayed out. How do I do to select another language?
When all or some languages are grayed out in the menu this means that some resource files for those languages are installed on your system but they are not in-sync with the version of DynSite that you are currently using. This may happen if you install a beta-version upgrade but you don't download the newer resource files.
To correct this, select Help > Check for Upgrade from the DynSite's menu when you are connected to the Internet. This brings a dialog box with the available files. Tick the Resource Localization File for the language(s) you want to install and click Upgrade. Once the files are installed and DynSite restarted, the new installed languages will be available from the Miscellaneous > Language menu.
92. I currently use DynSite version 1.10. I see on your website that the current version is 1.11 but when I select upgrade within DynSite, it does not see this upgrade. Should I be upgrading to 1.11 and if so how?
Version 1.10 is no more supported because it is too old. But you don't either have to upgrade if this version works fine for you.
Version 1.11 is not available from the Check for Upgrades feature of version 1.10 because many settings have changed between these two versions and they require reconfiguration before DynSite can work again.
If you are interested in trying this new version, I'd recommend that you back up your current settings and DynSite folder first. You can then get the new version at http://noeld.com/dynsite.asp. You can use the installer to upgrade your current version but don't forget to review all your settings in Setup especially in Connections tab.
93. Is it possible to launch an application only after a specified delay after a connection was detected not immediately upon the detection?
This feature requires some tweaking but this is possible. Download some sample scripts here, one is a batch (.bat) file and the other a JScript (.js) file for the Windows Script Host (WSH).
If you use the batch file you need to copy the enclosed wait.exe file to a folder, in my example I placed it in the default DynSite folder. For the JScript, your antivirus may prevent the execution of the file you may have to configure it accordingly.
For either script, you need to edit the path to the executable file to launch in the script file. Read the enclosed comments for important notes about the syntax. I recommend you to test your script file manually before you configure it in DynSite.
Finally when the script is ready, go to Setup > Events / Log tab and enter the full path to the script in Run this command upon connection.
94. DynSite reports that my host or domain name was successfully updated but I am unable to access my computer or server? What's possibly wrong?
First try to run your Web/FTP/etc. server locally and make sure that it correctly works. Then try to access it using the actual external IP address instead of the host name just to make sure whether it is related to the dynamic DNS configuration or not.
If the connection fails even with your external IP address then there is a problem at your end. Most common problems are:
If the connection succeeds using your external IP address, then:
95. I'd like to use a HMAC-MD5 Transaction Signature to secure dynamic updates on my Bind 9 DNS server. How do I do?
First generate a key using the dnssec-keygen tool provided in the Bind package. At a command prompt, type:
dnssec-keygen -a hmac-md5 -b 128 -n HOST tsig.myzone.org.
Replace 128 with 256 or 512, if you need a stronger encryption. Replace myzone.org. with your actual zone name. This command will create two files which hold the key information e.g.:
Ktsig.myzone.org.+157+54326.key Ktsig.myzone.org.+157+54326.private
Now edit the named.conf file (in the \etc folder) and add the key information (extracted from the previous files) before your zone and add an allow-update { key ... } line to your zone like in the example below:
key tsig.myzone.org. { algorithm hmac-md5; secret "Ncdq+ViRYWkQHS53QxPyuE=="; };
zone "myzone.org." in { type master; file "db.myzone.org"; allow-update { key tsig.myzone.org.; }; ... };
Finally, in DynSite, in DNS Account Properties, select Transaction Signature (hmac-md5) as the authentication method and enter the key name and value, like in the example below:
Key name: tsig.myzone.org
Key value: Ncdq+ViRYWkQHS53QxPyuE==
96. When I enter my registration code, DynSite says that the program is now fully functional but after a system restart I am asked for the registration code again. What's wrong?
There are two possibilities, either you are using an excluded code (most probably an illegal code) or the code could not be written to the Registry. If you are using an illegal code, please register then enter the code that you are provided. If you are using a Windows NT/2K/XP (or later) system, you have to log in to an account with administrative privileges then enter your registration code again.
97. I am using DynSite for some times now, the updates complete successfully but since a few days the icon blinks continuously. What's wrong?
Actually there is nothing wrong. It just means that the program requires your attention because a new update is available. Either double-click the icon or right-click it and click Install to possibly select the update you want to download and to install. You can cancel and not apply the updates but the icon will blink again next time you reconnect or the next day if your system is always on.
To prevent the icon from blinking when new updates are available, go to Setup > Options tab and clear the Check for upgrade availability option. You can still manually check for updates, to do so right-click the icon and click Help > Check for Upgrade.
98. Why did you install your DynSite program on my system? Remove it NOW!
I did *not* install DynSite on your system. I am definitely not involved in that kind of business, I have much better to do. The program has a standard installer and it cannot be installed without your knowing just by visiting my website. You are the only one responsible of what is installed on your system. If you did not install DynSite yourself then ask the other people who can possibly get access to your computer.
To uninstall DynSite, just do like you would with any other Windows program i.e. open the Control Panel, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon, select DynSite in the list and click the Remove button.
If the removal fails then there may be some missing files. In that case, to make a clean uninstallation, download DynSite from http://noeld.com/dynsite.asp, reinstall it then immediately remove it from the Control Panel like previously explained.
If you suspect hacking activities on your system make sure that your firewall is actively blocking all ports but the ones you need. If you don't have a firewall yet, install one now. For more information, please see the Antivirus and security topic in my General FAQ.
99. I am using a <your router brand and model here>. Could you add support for it?
Since I regularly add support for new routers, please check the latest version of the list of supported routers and also click Help > Check for Upgrades to possibly download the latest list.
If your router is still not available, please send me the following information by e-mail:
I will add it as soon as possible. If you don't know the exact URL of the status page, please try my Router Tester application. It may help you to identify the exact URL. It won't work with all routers but it does work with many of them. A router reset is recommended after the test.
In the meantime, you can still use your router for detection. In the Detection Gateway Assistant, clear Obtain address from a supported router and enter the URL of its status page in the Detection Script URL textbox.
100. I configured DynSite to send my IP address by e-mail each time it detects a connection, but I never receive the message and the log file shows the following error: "500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: AUTH LOGIN PLAIN". What does this mean and how can I get it running now?
If you get AUTH LOGIN PLAIN the most obvious reason is that your SMTP server does not handle authentication. Instead the server most probably compares your IP address (with the ones your ISP was assigned) to make sure that you are allowed to send messages through it.
From DynSite icon, go to Setup... > Services tab > expand the SMTP Servers branch > select your account branch > click Properties... > clear This server requires authentication checkbox > OK and try again.
If that does not help, that probably means that your server uses an unsupported authentication method. DynSite supports 3 authentication methods and tries each of them from the strongest (CRAM) to the weakest Base64 then finally plain text.
101. I configured my Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) router as the detection gateway but DynSite never detects a connection and always appear offline. What's wrong?
First make sure that UPnP is supported by your system and installed. It is only available in Windows 98/98SE with Internet Connection Sharing installed, Windows ME, Windows XP and later. Windows NT, 2000 and 2003 don't support UPnP.
To install UPnP in Windows XP:
To install UPnP in Windows ME:
To install UPnP in Windows 98/98SE:
You then need to make sure that UPnP is supported and enabled in your router setup screen.
You can test UPnP monitoring and your router configuration with my UPnPTest available here.
If you are using a version of DynSite older than build 1.11.756.2 please upgrade. The newer versions include a brand new UPnP implementation, the former versions were based on a COM interface which is not always available and not appropriate for all configurations.
102. Is it possible to do secure dynamic updates to a Microsoft DNS Server (Windows 2000/2003 or later) instead of a dynamic DNS service?
Yes, when using the Account Assistant or the Setup, configure your server under the DNS Servers branch instead of Dynamic DNS Services.
If you are using a version of DynSite older than build 1.11.757.4 please upgrade (previous versions were broken).
You must specify the DNS server hostname (or IP address) and the domain name (<server>@<domain>) in the DNS Server field in the DNS Account Properties e.g.:
There must be a SRV (Service Location) record for _ldap._tcp.<domain> in the Forward Lookup Zones section of the DNS server. It is usually created by default.
The zone to update must be Active-Directory integrated and the zone configured to only support secure updates.
The Domain Controller / DNS server must be trusted for delegation in Active Directory User and Computers > Domain Controllers > computer name > Properties > Delegation tab.
The account from which you send the update must not be configured as Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated in Active Directory User and Computers > Users > username > Properties > Account tab.
The clocks of both the client and the server must be synchronized.
On the client side, if you get the following errors:
On Windows 2003 and later, SPNEGO should select Kerberos as the default security protocol. You will see it when you select your host name in the DynSite status window and you click Details.
You can test your configuration by using my Dynamic Update Tester available here.
103. DynSite seems to be pulling my ISP's DNS address (not my public IP) from the router's status page and updating the service with that address. What I can do to fix it?
You have to configure addresses or address ranges to exclude in Setup > Connections tab > select your network card > click Configure... > Options tab.
See Help > Contents... > Using DynSite > Using the Setup > Connections > Configuring a permanent connection for information about exclusions and supported syntaxes.
104. I would like to move my DynSite program and files to a new computer. How do I keep the configuration (i.e. host names to update and options) that I did in the old computer?
If you have an older build of DynSite I'd first recommend that you upgrade your current installation to the latest build available at http://noeld.com/dynsite.asp.
Once done, right-click the DynSite icon > click Miscellaneous > Settings > Export... > give a filename > click Save. Copy the exported file to a shared folder or a removable media.
Now go to Help > About DynSite... and write down your User Name and Serial Number so that you can restore them. You don't have to do this step if you have a copy of the registration message you received by e-mail.
Install the latest build of DynSite on your new computer. When you run the program for the first time on your new computer, you get the Getting Started Assistant > click Next > select I want to import settings from a file > click Browse... to select the file that you previously created > Click Next > complete the assistant, if all the settings are imported successfully just click Finish.
Once the assistant is complete, I recommend you to review your settings in Setup. You may possibly have to reconfigure the connection to monitor in the Connections tab.
105. I enabled auto-update but DynSite never updated itself despite a new build is available for download. What's wrong?
This is by design. By default, only the configuration files and plug-ins are auto-updated. If you want the application to auto-update, you need to tick the Accept beta-version updates checkbox in Setup > Options tab. You can also run the new installer available here. That way no existing installation can be broken by an update if a new build requires some configuration for the application to work again.
106. DynSite does not update my host name anymore. The status of my host name is Ignored in the status window. What's wrong?
Ignore is an option in DynSite to prevent a host name from being updated, that's why your host name is no more updated. This can only be activated by the user though, it is not on by default.
To clear the option, right-click your host name in the status window of DynSite and clear Ignore. If it is grayed out go to Setup > Services tab > expand the branch of your account and select it > click Properties... > tick the Update this account during updates option > click OK.
107. My antivirus tells me that DynSite possibly have an ICQ backdoor. Why do I get this message? Is my system at risk?
No, your system is not at risk. This warning is due to the heuristic method used by some antivirus programs. There is indeed some code in older versions of DynSite that used ICQ to report update errors but in no way it was a backdoor or any form of malware.
ICQ now requires some manual processing to send messages to the pager so this feature does not work anymore and it was removed from version 1.11.776.1 and later.
108. I get the "No records found for given DNS query" error message when I attempt to update a record on my Windows 2K3 DNS server. What does that mean?
The _ldap._tcp.<your domain> record is missing in the Forward Lookup Zones section of your DNS server. Please see FAQ #102.
109. I sent an insulting message to you, I did not say hello and I did not say thank you but why didn't I get a reply with information from you?
This kind of messages is getting a bit too usual nowadays. The question is often related to FAQ #98 so have a look.
Please understand that I don't have time to waste with people who don't know the elementary basis of respect or who consider me just as an answering machine so I will simply not reply to such messages.
You may try again but this time, keep your message friendly, courteous and respectful, that won't hurt you. You would do a little step to make this world a bit better. It's so easy and obvious. Thanks for your understanding.
110. DynSite does not automatically connect at startup, I have to manually connect it from the menu. If I restart, it connects right away. What's the problem?
This is most probably an issue with your firewall that mistakenly prevents outgoing traffic when DynSite starts. Make sure that you are using the latest version of your firewall. If you aren't, either upgrade or try another one. A list of free firewalls is available in my General FAQ.
111. The detection of the IP address is unreliable, the detected IP address is not always my actual external IP address or my host name is not always updated when my IP address changes. What's wrong?
112. DynSite does not detect my connection, it always says offline and the icon with a white cross on red circle blinks in the system tray. What's wrong?
113. I imported my settings in a new DynSite installation, the options were retrieved but none of my accounts and host information. why?
You imported a setting file (.dcf) created with an older version of DynSite. When you have to move your settings I always recommend to export and then to import your settings using the same version of DynSite and to possibly use the latest version to do that operation. Please see Q104.
114. DynSite detects my Internet connection and correctly retrieves the external IP address but my host name is not updated and its status is "not connected". How do I correct this?
You most probably bound your host name to another connection which is not currently active or which does not exist anymore. To fix this, go to Setup > Services tab > expand the branches down to your host name and select it > click Properties... > click the Connections tab > make sure that Primary connection is set to Any available connection and Secondary connection is set to Never switch. If you are using an old build of DynSite you may also consider installing the latest version available here.
115. I tried SnmpTest but I get the message "ERROR: SNMP is not installed". How do I install it?
Close SnmpTest and complete the following steps:
In Windows XP:
In Windows Vista:
Now try SnmpTest again.
116. I would like to put a link on my website so that when someone click it, the Windows Media Player automatically opens and starts playing a live stream from my own computer. How can I do that?
To stream the video you can use the free Microsoft Windows Media Encoder available here. You must make sure that your firewall and your router are configured to allow incoming traffic from the TCP port you chose in Windows Media Encoder and possibly have it forwarded to your PC.
Now you need to create a small text file that you will place on your website. You will use your dynamic host name to point to your PC. Here is an example:
<ASX version = "3.0"> <Entry> <Ref href = "mms://mywebtv.dyndns.org:8085/" /> </Entry> </ASX>
Replace mywebtv.dyndns.org with your own dynamic DNS host name. Replace 8085 with the TCP port you chose in the Windows Media Encoder. Save this file to mystream.wvx for example.
Upload this mystream.wvx file to your website and create a link in one of your pages, e.g.:
<a href="mymovie.wvx">Click here to see live video from home in Windows Media Player</a>
117. My host name is never updated, I get an "invalid password" error. How do I fix it?
You have to make sure that you correctly configured the same login and password in both your account at your dynamic DNS (DDNS) service and in DynSite. To make sure that you have the right login and password, try to manually connect to your account on the DDNS service's website. If you forgot your password, click the Forgot Password? link (or the like) on the sign in page at your DDNS service's website. If your registered e-mail address is no more valid and you cannot retrieve your password, contact the techsupport of your DDNS service.
Note that some dynamic DNS services use a specific password for dynamic update, in that case this is that latter password that you have to configure in DynSite, you will find it out in your account at the DDNS service. To update or to modify your login and/or password in DynSite, go to Setup... > Services tab > expand the branch of your DDNS service > select the branch of your account (1 level under the branch of the DDNS service) > click Properties > update your login and/or password > click OK to apply changes.
If you choose to change your login and password, I'd recommend you to change them in your account at the DDNS service first. When you are sure the login and password are correct in both your DDNS account and in DynSite, you can force DynSite to attempt a new update by right-clicking your host name in the DynSite status window and select Force Update.
118. DynSite fails to update my host names, it reports "Update request timeout". What's wrong?
This error may happen in the following cases:
See FAQ #22 for a list of ports used by DynSite and make sure that they are configured in your firewall. In case of transient network issues or server maintenance, the problem will clear on its own and you have nothing to do but wait! If the problem persists check whether the website of your DDNS service is active and you can log in to your account. If the server remains down for a long period of time or indefinitely you may have to choose another DDNS service. For advanced users, you can test network issues using the tools at DNS Stuff or check with your ISP.
119. I sent a question by e-mail but I did not get a reply, why?
I reply to *every* message that does not fall in the FAQ #109 category (i.e. rudeness) so I possibly already replied or I will very soon.
Please bear with me since I receive a lot of messages and queries about all my programs (not only DynSite) every day. It may take a few days before you get my reply. I reply in priority to friendly, short and clear messages and to people who support my work or who registered their copy of DynSite.
If I already replied but you did not get a message then odds are either your sender e-mail address was wrong (I often get User Unknown message back from ISP) or my message may have been mistakenly caught by a spam filter (e.g. Blars Block List) and I have no way to contact you. Try to contact me again from an alternate e-mail account.
Remember before sending a question by e-mail make sure it is not already answered in this FAQ. You may also visit the DynSite group, a lot of questions have already been asked and replied there too.
120. When I restart DynSite it keeps updating my host or domain names despite the IP address did not change and my host or domain names are already up-to-date. Shouldn't DynSite prevent this from happening?
Indeed DynSite is designed to prevent this from happening to avoid accounts from being suspended, this is a requirement by most DDNS services.
Since the update states are maintained in the Registry, you must make sure that you run DynSite from an account with administrator privileges if you enabled the Make settings available system-wide option in the Setup > Options tab.
Also limit your use of the Force Update option from the status window. This option is designed to bypass the rules in case a previous update was blocked but the issue was fixed in the meantime.
If this option is enabled and you run DynSite from a Limited User account, the updates will complete but the states won't be stored in the Registry. I warmly recommend not to use this option if you don't really need it or if you don't really understand it.
121. My external (public) IP address is assigned to my network card (NIC). How do configure DynSite to detect my IP address from the NIC instead of using the automatic (web-based) detection?
122. I have an account at DynDNS.org and both a free host name and a custom domain. I also have two public IP addresses assigned to my two NICs. How do I configure DynSite to update both my host names with the two IP addresses?
123. I have a LAN with 3 PCs behind a router. I'd like to remotely control each of my PC using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have a single connection and a dynamic external IP address. What do I have to configure to do that?
To simplify the writing I will call the first PC "PC1", the second PC "PC2" and finally the third PC "PC3". I will also assume that they are assigned the following IP addresses:,, respectively.
You need to configure DynSite to pull the external IP address from your router and to update a single host name (see FAQ #64) You only need to configure a single host name since you have a single IP address. You don't have to configure a host name for each PC (even though this is still possible). You can install DynSite on any of the 3 PCs but obviously choose the one that is turned on the most. I will now assume that your host name is rdp.dyndns.org and that it correctly points to the current external IP address.
You have to change the listening ports of every Remote Desktop on at least 2 of the 3 PCs so that there is no conflict. We will use those ports to identify which PC to redirect the remote desktop packets to. The default Remote Desktop port is 3389, so let's assume that we chose port 3389 (default) for PC1, 3390 for PC2 and 3391 for PC3. See the KB article below to learn how to do that:
Q306759: How to change the listening port for Remote Desktop
Now we will use the port forwarding feature of the router to bind the Remote Desktop ports to the PCs. Since every router has its own implementation and layout for this feature I will give you a general view of it:
Application | Start | End | Protocol | IP Address |
RDP1 | 3389 | 3389 | TCP | |
RDP2 | 3390 | 3390 | TCP | |
RDP3 | 3391 | 3391 | TCP | |
If the remote system from which you want to control your PCs don't have the Remote Desktop Connection software, you can download it from the Microsoft website (see link below) and install it on your system. It works on any version of Windows from Windows 95 to XP.
Download the Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection software
Now to remotely control your PC1, enter rdp.dyndns.org in the Computer textbox of the Remote Desktop Connection and click Connect. To control your PC2, enter rdp.dyndns.org:3390 instead and to control your PC3 enter rdp.dyndns.org:3391. See KB article below for more information.
124. I get a "Server failure" error message in the status window and an error code 12057 in the details. What does that mean and is there a workaround?
The 12057 error code means that there is a problem with the revocation date of the digital certificate used by the DDNS server to secure (https) the connection. Either the revocation date is invalid or the server of the company (CA) that issued the certificate was not available to check the validity of the certificate. You should be able to temporarily work around this issue by ticking Ignore certificate error in Setup... > Update tab.
125. I received a notification that an update is available for download so I accepted but I got an error message or the application crashed. What is wrong?
There are 3 possible cases: